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GWR 42343 Machinery Flat

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An overhaul began on Easter Tuesday 1989 while the wagon was on the [[Stourport Triangle|'Stourport line']]. The old rotten floorboards were removed and initially left there on the wagon as there was nowhere suitable at Bewdley to unload them. However a group of children began unloading the wagon where it stood, so 42343 and its load were hastily moved to [[Bewdley]] later that evening. The overhaul was completed by Spring 1990; the work included replacing the steel plates which cover the wheel and drawgear areas, installation of new Keruing floorboards and repainting the chassis.<ref>SVR News 92, 95</ref>
42343 was sited at [[Bridgnorth Loco Works]] and used to store and move boilers and other components. The photograph in March 2015 shows it carrying the saddle tanks of [[2047 Warwickshire]] and [[GWR 813 Saddle Tank | GWR 813]]. On 14 July 2018 the original boiler, smokebox and saddle tank of 2047 Warwickshire were lifted onto 42343 by the [[Cowans Sheldon 30-ton steam crane RS 1087|30-ton steam crane]] and the following November a planned move of the wagon and locomotive parts to [[Bewdley Down Yard]] took place.
The SVR has three earlier examples of Loriots, [[GWR 42138 'Loriot D' Machinery Truck|Loriot D 42138]], [[GWR 42272 'Loriot L' Machinery Truck|Loriot L 42272]] and [[GWR 41990 'Loriot Y' Machinery Truck|Loriot Y 41990]], all owned by the [[The GWR 813 Preservation Fund]].
Trustworthy, administrator

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