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Current events on the Severn Valley Railway

29 bytes removed, 18:14, 27 November 2015
Update future events
(All locomotives subject to availability.)
2015 marks the 50th anniversary of beginning of the Severn Valley Railway in preservation*'''Christmas Santa services'''. [ aspx?a=503 Details and latest availability - only a handful of events that have already taken place can be found in the [[Severn Valley Railway Timeline 2010-2019#2015 | 2015 history page]spaces remain]. Forthcoming events include the following:
*Bookings are now being taken for the Christmas Santa services. [ Details and latest availability706 '''Spring Steam Gala''']: The Spring Steam Gala will be on 18-20 March 2016. The first guest has been announced as GWR Pannier Tank 6430 from the Llangollen Railway, courtesy of Hugh Shipton
==Other news==*[ '''Flying ScotsmanAutumn Steam Gala''']: This iconic Iconic loco '''Flying Scotsman''' will be one of the star attractions at the 2016 autumn Autumn Steam Gala from September 22nd-25th.
==See also==
[[Main Page]]
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