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Severn Valley Railway Association

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SVRA History: origins of the SVRA and the "Garth Committee"
In May 1971 [[Sir Gerald Nabarro]] proposed to establish a public company to finance the purchase of the southern section of the line. He also proposed to wind up the original [[Severn Valley Railway Company Limited | Severn Valley Railway Company]] (the Guarantee Company) in which the individual members had a direct interest.
In response, the SVRA was formed at a 'general meeting ' was convened on 17 July 1971by several SVR members who were concerned by these developments. This unofficial meeting agreed that an Association should be formed with a Steering Committee chaired by [[John Garth]] to keep its eye on developments and generally to do all it could to contribute to the success of the Severn Valley Railway. This 'unofficial Association' was therefore sometimes referred to as "The Garth Committee".<ref>SVR News 30, "The Severn Valley Railway Association, and formally came into existence at a Personal View", Martin Withers</ref> Following that meeting, it soon became clear that the Guarantee Company also envisaged an "Association" as part of their own plans. A formal General Meeting was held on 16 October 1971, convened jointly by the Board of the Guarantee Company and the Steering Committee of the 'unofficial Association' and chaired by John Garth. A proposal that "The Severn Valley Railway Association (as formed at the meeting held on 17th July, 1971) be formally constituted with immediate effect." was unanimously approved, with John Garth being elected unopposed as its first Chairman. The SVRA was an unincorporated body, whose principal objects as agreed at the October meeting were:
*To safeguard the interests of the members of the Severn Valley Railway Company Limited
*To do everything possible to promote the efficient organisation, financial standing and growth of the Severn Valley Railway.<ref>SVR News Issue 21</ref>
Trustworthy, administrator

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