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Severn Valley Railway Association

35 bytes removed, 15:51, 1 April 2019
SVRA branches
**'''Macclesfield''' (formed in December 1980<ref>SVR News 65</ref>)
*Other branches includedwere:**'''London''' (began as the South Eastern Branch in 1971<ref>SVR News 50</ref> and originally based at Tonbridge.<ref>SVR News 21, 27, 28</ref> First London meeting was held in late 1974.<ref>SVR News 34</ref> Still active Closed in December 2014.<ref>Express Points Web Round Up September 2014SVR News 188</ref>)
**'''Bristol''' (formed January 1978,<ref>SVR News 46</ref> closed in 2005.<ref>SVR News 152</ref>)
**'''Bridgnorth''' (formed circa 1993<ref>SVR News 107-108</ref>, still last active in 20092014.<ref name=SVR168>SVR News 168188 et seq.</ref>)
**'''Birmingham''' (formed by 1969,<ref>SVR News 12</ref> closed in 1992.<ref>SVR News 102 et seq</ref>)
**'''Chester''' (formed by 1971<ref>SVR News 19</ref>, merger with Merseyside proposed in February 1974.<ref>SVR News 30,31</ref>)
**'''Merseyside''' (formed November 1973 and based at Birkenhead.<ref>SVR News 29,30</ref> By Summer summer 1975 "the only surviving branch in the North West".<ref>SVR News 36</ref> Closed circa 1976?)
**'''North West''' (originally Warrington Branch, formed in January 1971,<ref>SVR News 18</ref>, meetings suspended in 1974 due to poor attendance and closed in January 1975.<ref>SVR News 32,35</ref>)
Trustworthy, administrator

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