Talk:Carriages formerly resident on the SVR

Revision as of 23:14, 24 March 2021 by Patrick Hearn (talk | contribs) (More flummery)

Elsewhere on this Wiki it's Mr. D.R. Gwynne-Jones. On this page it's Dr. Gwynne-Jones. Was he a Dr, and if so is it Dr. D.R. throughout? Or did his initials get mis-joined to a title?--Patrick Hearn (talk) 19:47, 23 March 2021 (UTC)

It's a bit unclear to be honest.
  • Early SVR News (9, 10 and 13) refer to Mr. D. R. G. Gwynne-Jones who in 1967 was the principal of a Technical College in Sierra Leone. However Chris George's 40th Anniversary article in SVR News 151 mentions "On 23rd March 1967, 3205, together with 4 coaches owned by Dr. Gwynne-Jones who lived in Sierra Leone,..."
  • The article I was quoting in SVR News 35 specifcally refers to an amicable settlement with Dr. Gwynne-Jones, using "Dr." twice. However a follow up article in SVR News 37 refers to the remaining coaches owned by Mr. Gwynne-Jones. Plus the Stock Books use "D.R." rather than "D.R.G."
  • The obituaries report in SVR News 106 (Spring 1993) refers to the passing of Mr. D. R. G. Gwynne-Jones of Brecon. A quick Google finds reference to D. R. G. Gwynne-Jones in connection with Brecon Cathedral and a book on Africa, but neither clarifies one way or the other. --Robin (talk) 22:05, 23 March 2021 (UTC)
He is mostly referred to as D.R.G. with the odd reference to Professor, and a scholarship at Cambridge. An intelligent guess is that he had a doctorate and was Dr in academic circles. There's no hard rule, but there's a good deal of English style guide/etiquette that only medical doctors use the Dr title outside academia. I propose we refer to him as D. R. G. Gwynne-Jones throughout, for consistency, unless anyone disagrees?--Patrick Hearn (talk) 23:14, 24 March 2021 (UTC)
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