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Railway Navvies of the SVR

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Accidents: typo
*1859 "RAILWAY ACCIDENT.—CORONER'S INQUEST.-On Monday, the 26th September an inquest was held at the Town Hall, in Bridgnorth, before W. D. Butte, Esq. Coroner, and a respectable jury, on the body of Benjamin Downes, a young man in the employ of Mr. James Wallace, sub-contractor for the making of the Severn Valley Railway, in this town, and who came by his death in the following awfully-sudden manner : —The deceased's duty was to hook and unhook the trucks proceeding up the cutting of the railway making on the Eardington and Oldbury road and he was observed hanging on one of the waggons whilst they were running at a very rapid speed, when his foot, projecting out, must have struck some obstacle, which caused him to fall across the rail, when the train of waggons passed over his neck and chest, killing him instantaneously. Mr. Wallace, Edward Bache, and a boy named Brown were examined and gave evidence, when, under the direction of the coroner, the jury returned a verdict of accidental death."<ref>[ Eddowes's Journal, and General Advertiser for Shropshire, and the Principality of Wales - Wednesday 05 October 1859, on the British Newspaper Archive]</ref>
*1859 "ACCIDENT IN THE RAILWAY TUNNEL- -On Thursday, an accident occurred in this tunnel to one of Mr. Hassall's gangers, named James Windy, by a slip of the rock, whilst be he was engaged in mining. He was severely injured across the legs, sustaining very severe cuts; but fortunately no bones were broken. Mr. Mathias was quickly in attendance, and we are glad to state that the poor fellow is progressing favourably."<ref>[ Shrewsbury Chronicle - Friday 2 December 1859, on the British Newspaper Archive]</ref>
*1860 "INQUEST,—On Monday, an inquest was held at the Board Room, Atcham Union Workhouse, before Corbet Davies, Esq., deputy coroner for the Ford District, on view of the body of a youth named James Painting, who had met with his death from injuries received by some railway waggons passing over his body. James Halbert said : I live in one of the huts on the Severn Valley Railway in the parish of Berrington ; I am in the employ of John Combes, a contracter :I am a driver, I know the deceased; on Monday, the 2nd of January, he was breaking a wagon in the turn out ; there were four waggons coupled together in motion at the time ; he put the scotch in the first waggon (the two fore wheels) and pulled at it the force of the waggons threw out the scotch, and he fell to the ground sideways across the rail, he fell on the left side ; three waggons went over him ; they went over one arm and two legs ; if he had put the scotch in the last waggon the accident would not have happened, he was alive when picked up.—By a Juror : I consider the work very dangerous, it is a common practice to have boys in the turn out, I lost my arm by that I work twelve years ago."<ref>[ Shrewsbury Chronicle - Friday 13 January 1860, on the British Newspaper Archive]</ref>
Trustworthy, administrator

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