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additional info and history
In 1933 an extension was opened to a new southern terminus at Liss, with a platform adjacent to those serving the Portsmouth Direct Line. In 1942 an additional loop running eastwards from Longmoor camp was completed which enabled circular running and allowed for improved training without the need to turn trains at the terminals.
A Roll of Honour is displayed in [[The Engine House]] commemorating the military railwaymen of the Corps of Royal Engineers (Transportation) who lost their lives in World War II and since. It includes six sappers who were killed in an accident involving a head-on collision in foggy weather on the LMR on 13 October 1956.<ref>[ Hansard, Longmoor Military Railway (Accident), HC Deb 30 October 1956 vol 558 cc126-8W]</ref>
Being a training railway, the layout would regularly change as track was constructed and deconstructed. At its peak the railway ran to over 70 miles of operational track and sidings. In its latter years it staged a number of open days, before operations ceased on 31 October 1969<ref>Wikipedia</ref>.
Trustworthy, administrator

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