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Wyre Forest Line

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Create page for the Wyre Forest Line
The Tenbury and Bewdley Railway, informally 'The Wyre Forest Line' or 'The Tenbury Line', ran north from the GWR station at Bewdley on a single line track alongside the Severn Valley Railway for a distance of about a mile before diverging to the west to cross the river Severn at Dowles Bridge. The line continued to Woofferton via Wyre Forest, Cleobury Mortimer, Neen Sollars, Newnham Bridge, Tenbury Wells and Easton Court.

After the GWR built 'The Loop' linking Kidderminster to Bewdley, the majority of Kidderminster to Bewdley services continued on the Wyre Forest Line.

The Wyre Forest Line closed in various stages between 1961 and 1964.

==See also==
[[Tenbury Branch]]
Trustworthy, administrator

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