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GWR 105873 'Mica B' Refrigerated Meat Van

233 bytes added, 18:20, 22 March 2019
Preservation: info added
In 2006, rot was again found to be present, and the wagon was brought into the goods shed for drying out. The underframe was cleaned and repainted at the same time, but 105873 was then taken outside and sheeted while other wagons received attention.<ref>SVR News 155</ref> The further renovation, which included re-canvassing the roof as well as a repaint, was completed in 2012.<ref>Web Round Up September 2012</ref><ref>SVR News 180</ref>
In October 2018 it was moved outside [[Bewdley Goods Shed]] with further work by the [[Wagon Department]] starting the following month. This revealed considerable rot for such a recently restored wagon. As in 1995, conjecture is that the cause is condensation caused by the vehicle being double skinned and zinc lined and having inadequate ventilation.
When operative, 105873 is regularly seen in the [[Demonstration Goods Train |demonstration goods train]], and can be easily recognised by its distinctive white livery with red lettering.
Trustworthy, administrator

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