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Ernest Marples

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He also appointed Dr. Richard Beeching to head British Railways. Although the Severn Valley Branch closed under Beeching, its closure had been proposed before the appointment.
Marples had a 'colourful' life<ref>[ Baston, L., 'Ernest Marples. Yes, a rogue – but he brightened up the 1950s, and he made things happen', Conservative Home website, 7 March 2014] (Retrieved 19 July 2018)</ref><ref>[ Malvern, J., 'colourfulProfumo report hid lurid details of a bigger scandal' life, The Times, 27 January 2020](Retrieved 29 January 2020)</ref>.
==See also==
[ Ernest Marples on Wikipedia]<br>
[ Baston, L., 'Ernest Marples. Yes, a rogue – but he brightened up the 1950s, and he made things happen', Conservative Home website, 7 March 2014] (Retrieved 19 July 2018)
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