
Current events on the Severn Valley Railway

175 bytes removed, 14:01, 15 April 2016
Scotsman tickets all sold
::LNER Gresley A3 Pacific 60103 Flying Scotsman, courtesy of the National Railway Museum and Riley & Son (E) Ltd
::LNER Peppercorn A1 Pacific 60163 Tornado, courtesy of the A1 Steam Locomotive Trust
:To travel All tickets to ride behind Flying Scotsman and Tornado, timed return tickets departing from Kidderminster only must be purchased in advancehave been sold. There will be NO tickets for these special services available to purchase on the day. Each round trip will feature one locomotive on the outward journey to Bridgnorth and the other on the return. Access to Kidderminster Station will be restricted to Special Event ticket holders only. See the link above for times and locomotivesdetails.
:Up to four other public services will also operate during the event, featuring No. 34027 Taw Valley and No. 34053 Sir Keith Park and other members of the home-fleet. Tickets for these trains will be available on a first come, first serve basis. Pre-booking is strongly advised. All-night running will not take place in 2016, but will return in 2017.
Trustworthy, administrator