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[[File:Eardington SVR Station - - 682362Eardington_20180603.jpg|thumb|200px300px|right| Eardington Halt (Wikimedia CommonsJune 2018)]] 
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'''Eardington''', sometimes referred to as "Eardington Halt", is situated on [[Eardington Bank]] and located mid-way between [[Bridgnorth]] and [[Hampton Loade]] at milepost 147¾. Although the station does not feature in daily operations, it resumed use during gala events in 2023 more than 40 years since regular timetabled trains ceased. A dedicated 'Friends of Eardington Station' team under Station Master Steve Downs looks after this wayside gem.
==Eardington in preservation==
===Restoration and use up to 1983===
A working party began restoring Eardington at Whitsun 1967. During that year the platform was cleared, the station building was repainted black and white, and other repairs were carried out. Eardington was in operation during the 1967 and 1968 Steam Galas, the latter seeing locomotives watered there for the first time (see below).<ref name=SVR25>SVR News 25, ''Eardington Station'', David Marchant</ref>
The station officially reopened on 23 May 1970 along with Bridgnorth and Hampton Loade, which at the time formed the limit of operations.<ref>SVR (Holdings) Ltd prospectus April 1972</ref> Eardington was used as an intermediate stopping point and watering place and was sometimes referred to as Eardington Halt. For the seasons 1970 to 1973 inclusive all trains were advertised in the [[SVR timetables|SVR public timetables]] to call there.
During the period of [[Sir Gerald Nabarro]]'s chairmanship, plans were made for the possible rebuilding of Eardington as the northern terminus on the line. As well as installing a run-round loop (see below), detailed plans were also prepared for the station to be enlarged and a car park provided, although this was not publicised at the time.<ref name=Marshall180>[[Bibliography#Books|Marshall (1989)]] p. 180.</ref>
The station became 'request only' from 2 March 1974, the same year that services were extended to run south of Hampton Loade. The 'request' status continued until the end of the 1976 season, although calls were suspended that year because of fire risk.<ref>Minutes of SVR 10th Annual General Meeting</ref>
For 1977 only two round trips were advertised to call on request on Mondays to Saturdays, except Bank Holidays. The following year only one round trip was advertised to call on request, on Saturdays only. No calls were advertised during 1979 and 1980, but in 1981 and 1982 seasons all trains were again timetabled to call on request. No calls were advertised from the 1983 season onwards.<ref name=Marshall103>[[Bibliography#Books|Marshall (1989)]] p. 103.</ref>
It was removed from regular use thereafter, variously ascribed to the platform edge becoming dangerous or due to the steep gradient, short platform, and low passenger numbers.<ref>[ Wikipedia]</ref>
===Platform restoration 1989 to 2019===
By 1989 platform coping at the southern end of the platform, adjacent to station building, had been removed after it collapsed. A shortened platform, 152 feet long, remained at northern end.<ref>SVR News 92 p.2, SVR News 100 p.35, SVR News 109 p.19, SVR News 122 p.44, SVR News 127 p.45, SVR News 192 p. 30</ref> The Friends held a fundraising appeal in 2014 to replace the missing part;<ref>SVRA Working Members Newsletter November 2014</ref> it was reported on 27 October 2016 that sufficient funds had been raised to purchase the required replacement GWR bricks.<ref>[ Eardington Station Twitter Feed], retrieved 1 November 2016</ref>
A project commenced during the January 2018 winter shutdown involving the partial rebuilding of the platform face.<ref>[ 'Platform' magazine, 2018 Issue 4, p.5]</ref> Some 8000 engineering bricks recovered from the London – Bristol mainline and donated by Kier Construction were cleaned up by the Friends, and provide a genuine connection to the GWR. The rebuild was undertaken by JSR Construction of Chelmarsh, thus keeping the work local.<ref>[ SVRLive 'Eardington Station' 13 January 2018]</ref><ref>[ 'SVRLive Winter Works 2018' 16 January 2018]</ref> Work was completed on 31 January 2019, giving the station a full length working platform of 300' - roughly 5 coaches - for the first time since 1984. The £41,000 project was aided by donations from the [[Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust Ltd| Charitable Trust]] and [[Severn Valley Railway Company Limited| the Guarantee Company]] of £6,500 each, with the remainder being raised by the Friends. The project was completed on time and on budget. <ref>[ SVR Live February 2019]</ref><ref>[ Smith, R., 'Severn Valley Railway volunteers proud to unveil new platform', Shropshire Star, 1 March 2019] (Retrieved 3 March 2019)</ref> The rebuilt platform, which incidentally is longer than those at [[Highley]], Hampton Loade and Bridgnorth’s platform 2, can be seen in the main photograph taken during the 2018 Goods Gala. It greatly improved the appearance of the station and progressed its potential use on future gala events.
===Returning the station to passenger use 1989 to 2018 ===
It had long been the Friends' ambition to stop local trains at Eardington during Galas.
Restoration by a "small group of Bridgnorth C&W volunteers" started in 1989.<ref>SVR News 100 p.35, SVR News 127 p.45</ref> By summer 1990, Steve Downs was "unofficial stationmaster".<ref>SVR News 100, p.31</ref> It was gradually cosmetically restored by the Friends and occasionally opened to visitors on certain special events, albeit with trains not stopping, from the [[Step Back to the 1940s|War Weekend]] of 25/26 June 1994 onwards.<ref>SVR News 111 p.36</ref>
Part of the cutting behind the station collapsed in January 1991.<ref>SVR News 100 pp.18 and 36, SVR News 101 p.31</ref> Quarrying operations behind the station were blamed, and Steve Downes believes the quarry operators did the remedial work. The cutting side was re-profiled, giving the grassy slope we have today. Trees were planted at the top of the bank, to take up moisture from the soil.<ref>[ Eardington Facebook 24 June 2020] (Retrieved 23 April 2024)</ref>
On 15 February 1997 a train called specially to set down walkers on an 'Eardington Ramble'.<ref>[ Alan Thwaites' image 15 February 1997] (Retrieved 6 June 2014)</ref>
In 2003 it reopened for trains to call on galas and the 1940s Weekend<ref>SVR News 142, p.54/5</ref>, the first advertised trains since 1982.
On 17 April 2015, the [[The 82045 Steam Locomotive Trust|82045 Steam Locomotive Trust]] ran a special fundraising train, [[The Eardington Explorer]].<ref name=SVROnlineForum>[ SVR Online Forum]</ref> This ran between Bridgnorth and Hampton Loade, calling specially at Eardington. The Fund ran a second 'Eardington Flyer' on 22 April 2016.
In 2018 the SVR's retained stonemason Philip Chatfield fitted two stone window cills in place of crumbling stonework.<ref>[ Eardington Facebook page 7 July 2020] (Retrieved 23 April 2024)</ref>
On 2-3 June 2018 it staged "'''Eardington 150'''" to mark its 150th birthday. The station was open to the public on both days with various special attractions (trains did not stop). The event coincided with the SVR's Goods Gala<ref>[ SVR's PR on Shropshire Live website 4 June 2018] (Retrieved 24 June 2018)</ref>.
===Proposal for full reopening in 2018-19 ===
In November 2018, FCFM Group, the owners of nearby Astbury Hall, submitted plans to Shropshire Council for development of the hall and grounds as a 'holiday venue'. The Design Statement states "The applicant has agreed to assist in financing of the reopening of Eardington Station and to take a direct link between Astbury Estate and the Severn Valley Railway."<ref>[ Article on the proposed reopening in the Shropshire Star]</ref><ref>[ Planning application for Astbury Hall on Shropshire Council web site]</ref> This would see around 300 high quality log cabins at the site adjacent to Eardington Station. FCFM submitted to the SVR an outline proposal for investment such that trains could call regularly providing a link to the new development. The parties agreed to explore how public access could be provided from the estate to the station and what could be achieved while ensuring the character and feel of the station are not undermined.<ref>SVR announcement 7 December 2018</ref>
==The station==Eardington is a disused stationIn February 2019, located mid-way between [[Bridgnorth]] and [[Hampton Loade]] at milepost 147&frac34;. In the earliest days of the SVR, when those two stations formed the limit of operations, it was used as an intermediate stopping point and watering place and became known as Eardington Halt (it was never deemed submitted a Halt during GWR/BR days). During the period of Sir Gerald Nabarro's chairmanship it was closed Support Comment' in connection with the possible rebuilding favour of Eardington as the northern terminus on the linedevelopment to Shropshire Council. It later re-opened in March 1981, but last appeared in the timetable as a request stop in 1982<ref name = "Marshall103">The Severn Valley Railway, John Marshall (1989) p103[ SVR Support Comment on Shropshire Council web site]</ref>, after which it was removed from regular use due to In March 2019 the steep gradient, short platform, and low passenger numbersShropshire Star reported that that plans had been approved.<ref>[httphttps://enwww.wikipediashropshirestar.orgcom/news/property/2019/wiki03/Eardington_Halt_railway_station Wikipedia]<12/ref>. The halt has since been cosmetically restored by the Friends of Eardington Station, and is occasionally opened astbury-hall-plans-backed-to visitors on gala days. The southern end of the platform was cut back after it collapsed, however the Friends fundraising appeal -transform-former-kk-downing-estate-into-luxury-leisure-resort/ ''Astbury Hall: Plans backed to replace the missing part is ongoing<ref>SVRA Working Members Newsletter November 2014transform former KK Downing estate into luxury leisure resort''] Shropshire Star (retrieved 25 May 2019)</ref>.
A === Use for galas from 2023 ===By 2023 the ORR had given the SVR permission in principle to stop trains there during Galas. The Railway put in place the paperwork and procedures to enable this, as it had not been operational for many years, for the [[Autumn Steam Gala]].<ref>[ Longhorn, Danny, ' 'Vulcan' joins SVR Gala line-up, and Eardington welcomes first arrivals in 41 years', Rail Business Daily, 21 July 2023] (Retrieved 25 July 2023)</ref> For safety reasons, only local trains not longer than the station platform may stop there, and not during hours of darkness. ==Eardington siding==Opposite the station platform is a dead-end siding which is situated at Eardington, usually used for storing Permanent Way rolling stock, accessed by a two-lever [[Eardington ground frame | ground frame]] at the south end. This is released by the [[Highley signal box|Highley]]-[[Bridgnorth signal box|Bridgnorth]] long section token, and was commissioned in 1976.<ref>[ Severn Valley Railway S&T Department (unofficial) website.]</ref> The original siding at Eardington, which pre-dated the opening of the station itself,<ref group="note">The 1867 service timetable refers to trains stopping at Eardington Siding. No detailed OS map appears to exist showing the layout of the station area between the opening of the line in 1862 and the station itself in 1868. It is therefore not totally clear whether there was a separate goods loop/siding from opening, or whether trains simply stopped on the running line. The siding was certainly present after that time, although the Ground Frames appear to date to 1893 when the name plates were cast; presumably the siding was accessed by simple points levers prior to that time.</ref> had been removed by BR in 1964 after closure of the line, but was reinstated in the early days of the SVR. In 1973 summer 1972 under Sir Gerald Nabarro's chairmanship, contractors began work to convert the siding was converted by contractors to into a run-round passing loop at the then not insignificant cost of £8,000. This <ref group="note">£8,000 in 1972 equates to around £135,000 in 2023. For context, the whole section of the railway between Bridgnorth and Alveley had cost only £25,000 just two years earlier.</ref> The loop was intended to accommodate a locomotive and 10 coaches, with a new concrete block-faced platform being built incorporating the cattle dock at the south end. A small signal box on the site of the cattle dock was to be added later. These works would have occupied most of the then car park area, so the small field above the station building was partially levelled to form a new car park which would have been accessed from the road at the north end.<ref name=SVR25/> Later that year, during preparation for commissioning the signalling between Bridgnorth and Hampton Loade, an extra token machine was installed in [[Bridgnorth signal box]] to cater for the Eardington loop.<ref>SVR News 26, ''Signal & Telecommunications Department Notes''</ref> The installation of the passing loop was seen as part of the a plan by [[Sir Gerald Nabarro]] to abandon Bridgnorth, <ref group="note">Although officially described as a passing loop, discontented members believed it was actually intended as a run round loop at what would become the northern terminus following the closure of Bridgnorth.</ref> which led to much unrest on the SVR at the time. In fact the connection at the north end would have been too tight for most locomotives.<ref name=Marshall180/> However by May 1973 Nabarro had stepped down from the SVR(H) and Guarantee Company Boards. An EGM was held that month to consider the impact of the proposed [[Bridgnorth Bypass Bridge|Bridgnorth bypass]]. [[Richard Dunn]] advised shareholders and members via SVR News that "''I have no reason to reverse my opinion of 1968 that Eardington was not a suitable permanent terminus to the line, owing to the difficulties of road access and inadequate parking space.''"<ref>SVR News 27, ''The Proposed Bridgnorth By-pass'', R.H. Dunn</ref> In early 1974 the Board reported that "''The circumstances under which Eardington loop was soon removedplanned have so altered that it is unlikely to be needed. It is proposed to convert it to a siding, controlled from a ground frame at the south points, with the proposed platform area levelled off to form a loading bank and car park''."<ref>MarshallSVR News 31, p180''Boardroom Notes'', David Mellor</ref> By winter 1974-5 the loop had been converted to a siding to for PW use. The two points at the north end which formed a crossover were both removed; the former point in the main line was reused at [[Arley]] while the point from the loop was taken to Bridgnorth for use in the loco yard. The single-bladed trap at the south end was not considered suitable for a siding opening onto a passenger carrying line, so was replaced by a double-bladed trap.<ref>SVR News 34</ref> It was around this time the pre-preservation loading gauge on the goods siding, and the cattle dock on the loading dock, were both removed. Both feature in early preservation images. In early preservation items of rolling stock were stored there before being restored to use, including carriages [[GNR 2701 Composite Corridor | 2701]], [[BR 4399 Tourist Standard Open |4399]], [[LMS Brake Third Corridor 26880 | 26880]] ‎and [[LMS 27270 Third Open |27270]]; and [[Regent Oil & Texaco 345 Aviation Fuel Tank Wagon | Regent Oil & Texaco Aviation Fuel Tank Wagon 345]]. Since that time the siding is regularly used for storing Permanent Way rolling stock. <gallery mode=packed heights=200px style="text-align:left">File:Eardington ground frame 20150701.jpg|Eardington ground frame in 2015File:Seacows_20170317.jpg|Ballast wagons in Eardington siding</gallery>
[http://www==Current and former points of interest===== Goods Lock Up ===A number of stations on the Severn Valley branch were provided with a Goods Lock Up, a small corrugated iron hut where parcels and other merchandise traffic could be securely stored while awaiting collection or delivery.sharpos-worldLockups were generally built to a standard GWR design, although with many detail also varied, with 10ft, 14ft and 20ft being commonplace.php?album=300 Photos at Eardington, showing station building & yard area]
== The Eardington Explorer ==Goods Lock Up on Platform 1 at Hampton Loade is pictured below. A similar Goods Lock Up can also be seen at [[Arley#Goods Lock Up|Arley]] where it serves as the station shop.
On the 17th of April 2015, the [[The 82045 Steam Locomotive Trust|82045 Steam Locomotive Trust]] ran a special fundraising train, the [[The Eardington Explorer|Eardington Explorer]]<ref>[ mode=packed heights=200px style=3298 SVR"text-Online forum]</refalign:left">Hampton_Loade_Goods_Lock_Up_20160218. This ran between Bridgnorth and jpg|Hampton Loade, calling specially at Eardington. This was the first time that a stop had been timetabled at Eardington for several years.Goods Lock Up</gallery>
==History At one time, Eardington also had a similar lockup. It was later removed, probably after the station became unstaffed in 1949, although the footprint of the building was still visible in the 1950s. It was covered by a landslip when part of the cutting behind the station collapsed in January 1991 (see above), but the site has now been excavated by volunteers with the intention of rebuilding a replica Goods Lock Up in due course.<ref>Posters and photographs on display at Eardington before preservation==, April 2024 (general history and replacement project)</ref><ref>SVR News 100 pp.18 and 36, SVR News 101 p.31 (cutting collapse date)</ref>
*1864: A ===Ground Frame hut===Access to the original siding connection to Lower Forge was proposed but never built. Upper Forge and Lower Forge were by two local ironworks, located respectively west and east of the line and joined by a 750 yard long navigable canal tunnelground frames installed in 1893.<ref name group= "Marshall103note" />.*1868: Steve Downs' notes include the information that the name plates for Eardington North Ground Frame and Eardington Station opened South Ground Frame were cast on 1 June 1868, some six years 28 August 1893; the installation date was presumably shortly after the opening of the Severn Valley Railway<ref name = SVR Guide”>SVR Souvenir Guide, Ninth Editionthat time.</ref>.*1893: The station platform South Frame remained in use until closure and was extended<ref name = "Marshall103" />enclosed in a hut, similar to a small signal box, with windows on three sides to improve sighting.*1899: The ironworks closed<ref name ="Marshall103" />.*1949: BR reduced hut was later acquired by the Preservation Company at the fledgling Welshpool and Llanfair Light Railway and erected at Castle Caereinon station to unstaffed status after 1 April 1949, though did not designate it as a Haltpassenger shelter.<ref name = SVR Guide” />After that use ended, the W&LLR made contact to ask if Eardington would like it returned.*1959: The goods loop hut was reduced inspected on 11 March 2010 and subsequently dismantled and transported to a siding, accessed from the south end onlyEardington where it awaits re-erection<ref name = SVR Guide” /Miscellany>''"Eardington Station – A Miscellany." Text and Photos – Steve Downs.*1963: The station closed when passenger traffic ceased '' Information on 9 September 1963public display at Eardington, April 2024<ref name = SVR Guide” />.*1964: The former goods loop siding was completely removed<ref name = SVR Guide” />.
==Points of Interest==
===Locomotive watering facility===
The original station served as little more than a halt and therefore had no watering facilities. A water tank at for Eardington was acquired by the SVR [[Severn Valley Railway Society ]] from the Netherton Goods Branch at Withymoor, Netherton (near Dudley) in the summer of 1967, and transported to Eardington. It was installed in time to be used for the 1968 Steam Gala. It was assisted in part by school parties from the The Royal School Wolverhampton under its history teacher, Brian Kingshott.<ref>Robert Betts and Nick Neath in Unofficial SVR Facebook post 22 April 2021</ref> The decision to install the SVR’s first proper watering facility at Eardington rather than Bridgnorth was due to Eardington having naturally soft water compared with very hard water at Bridgnorth. At opening in 1970, the timetable allowed a 5 minute stop southbound at Eardington for locomotive watering; passengers frequently took the opportunity to photograph the locomotive or buy pop and sweets which were sold at the station. Once watering facilities were installed at Bridgnorth, this was reduced to one minute, effectively ending this practice.  Unused for some years and heavily perforated, the water tank was removed on 22 April 2021 using the [[Cowans Sheldon 30-ton steam crane]]. The intention was to assess whether the tank is reusable elsewhere and, if the tank could be saved, a low priority project would replace the [[Bewdley#Water_towers|inauthentic LNWR pattern tank at Bewdley]] to create a more Great Western feel.<ref>[ Branch Lines May 2021]</ref> {{As of|2024}} it is still in the station yard.<gallery mode=packed heights=200px style="text-align:left">Eardington Lift Chris Bond.jpg|The tank is removed in April 2021 (Chris Bond)</gallery> ===Lamps===An electricity supply has never been installed. The Friends have developed a collection of vintage [ Tilley lamps] with a railway provenance, to light the station after dark when open for galas and special occasions.<ref name="SVROnlineForum"/> Eardington is the only remaining station in the UK that is lit entirely by oil lamps. The permission granted in 2023 by the ORR is conditional upon trains not stopping after darkness. In March 2021 the SVR’s YouTube channel included a video ''Eardington’s hidden gem – lighting the way for heritage rail on the Severn Valley Railway'' featuring volunteer lampman Phil Harris. <youtube>bxMR0_dpuWk</youtube> In 2023 a new post and oil-lit and 'Eardington' lettered luminaire was commissioned opposite the lamp hut, to illuminate the foot crossing<ref>[ Eardington SVR Facebook post 14 December 2023]</ref>.Sadly, in April 2024 two of the Tilley lamps were amongst a large number of signs, lamps and lanterns stolen, which were then added to the [ Heritage Railway Stolen Items Register].<ref>[ SVR X (formerly Twitter) post 17 April 2024]</ref> ===Former Bath Road turntable===An electrically powered Ransom Rapier 65'3" standard-pattern over-girder turntable, originally from Bristol (Bath Road) depot, is stored at Eardington. It is intended for the [[Bridgnorth Turntable|Bridgnorth turntable project]]. This film shows the turntable's removal from Bristol and transport to Eardington.  <youtube>3Hnh0LJC_Qc</youtube> ===Pannier Tank boiler===For some years from the winter of 1978-79 a GWR Collett 5700 class 0-6-0PT boiler was stored on the platform. This came from [[GWR Pannier 3612]], which was dismantled at the station<ref>SVR News 50.</ref>. ===Weighbridge===Eardington also had a weighbridge, sited near the main gates. Only the brickwork of the pit survives<ref>[ Eardington Facebook post 26 June 2020] (Retrieved 23 April 2024)</ref>.  ===Swindon works traverser===In 1978, SVR volunteers, working with the [[Manpower Services Commission]], dismantled and removed a traverser from Swindon Works. This was then stored at Eardington to be used as part of a planned expansion of the carriage works at Bewdley. The plans were abandoned when the much larger [[Carriage Repair Works | goods shed at Kidderminster]] became available in 1985, and the traverser was scrapped. ==TV and film==The station was a location in a chase scene in the film [[Candleshoe]]. Steve Downes, the Station Master, is a member of acoustic trio 'Whalebone'. A music video of the Simon & Garfunkle classic 'The Boxer' was filmed at the station in 2011<ref>Heritage Railway 6 July 2011, p. 22</ref><ref>[ The Boxer, Whalebone, music video on YouTube (2011)]</ref>. ==Model==Tunnel Lane Model Railways produced 7mm 3D printed models of the station building and lamp hut, offered for sale at the 2023 O Gauge Get Together event<ref>[ SVR O Gauge Get Together Facebook post.2 October 2023] (Retrieved 13 October 2023)</ref> ==Eardington history before preservation== *1862: From opening, Eardington had no passenger facilities. Eardington Siding served the nearby Upper Forge and Lower Forge, two local ironworks located respectively west and east of the line and joined by a 750 yard long navigable canal tunnel. In 1864 a siding connection to Lower Forge was proposed but never built. The [[Timetable: Severn Valley Branch 1867|1867 service timetable]] showed the siding was served by two daily goods workings in each direction, with five minutes allowed for loading and unloading. <ref name=Miscellany/><ref name = "Marshall103" />*1868: Eardington Station was opened by the GWR on 1 June 1868, some six years after the opening of the Severn Valley Railway.<ref name=SVRGuide>SVR Souvenir Guide, Ninth Edition</ref>*1893: The station platform was extended.<ref name = "Marshall103" />*1899: The ironworks closed.<ref name ="Marshall103" />*1922: [[SVR staff in 1922#Severn Valley Railway (Kidderminster to Bridgnorth)|GWR staff records for 1922]] show the station had a staff of 2, the station master and a Gatewoman.*1931: The station lost its station master, coming under the control of [[Highley]].<ref name=SVRNews201>SVR News 201 'Eardington News' (Steve Downs)</ref> *1949: BR reduced the station to unstaffed status after 1 April 1949.<ref name = SVRGuide/>*1952: The first noted instance of the station being referred to as "Eardington Halt" in a BR timetable.<ref name=SVRNews201/>*1959: The goods loop was reduced to a siding, accessed from the south end only.<ref name = SVRGuide/> The station was still called "Eardington" in the [[Timetable: Severn Valley and Tenbury Lines 1959|1959 BR Working Timetable]].*1963: The station closed when passenger traffic ceased on 9 September 1963.<ref name = SVRGuide/>*1964: The former goods loop siding was completely removed.<ref name = SVRGuide/> {| class="wikitable"|+ [[The Severn Valley Railway under GWR/BR ownership#Traffic statistics|GWR Traffic statistics]] for Eardington, selected years prior to 1939<ref>[[Bibliography#Books|Nabarro (1971)]] p. 55.</ref>|-! !! colspan="3" | Passenger Traffic !! colspan="2" | Freight Traffic !! |-! Year !! Tickets issued !! Parcels despatched !! Revenue (&pound;) !! Tons received &amp; despatched !! Revenue (&pound;) !! Total revenue (&pound;)|-|1903||style="text-align:right"|5,944||style="text-align:right"|778||style="text-align:right"|290||style="text-align:right"|1,493||style="text-align:right"|609||style="text-align:right"|899|-|1913||style="text-align:right"|6,690||style="text-align:right"|961||style="text-align:right"|311||style="text-align:right"|1,704||style="text-align:right"|464||style="text-align:right"|775|-|1923||style="text-align:right"|5,267||style="text-align:right"|2,259||style="text-align:right"|389||style="text-align:right"|2,355||style="text-align:right"|1,275||style="text-align:right"|1,664|-|1933||style="text-align:right"|3,361||style="text-align:right"|438||style="text-align:right"|150||style="text-align:right"|604||style="text-align:right"|217||style="text-align:right"|367|-|1938||style="text-align:right"|2,075||style="text-align:right"|277||style="text-align:right"|90||style="text-align:right"|1,434||style="text-align:right"|273||style="text-align:right"|303|-|} === Early Booking Porters and Station Masters at Eardington===The first description of ‘Station Master’ in GWR records is in 1879. It seems likely that where no station master is shown, then the booking porter supervised the station. {| class="wikitable |-!Name!!Born !! data-sort-type="date" | From !! data-sort-type="date" | To !! Comments|-| John George Brecknell ||1845 Abberley, Warwickshire || data-sort-value="20/5/1868" | May 1868||data-sort-value="4/8/1879" | August 1879|| Booking porter when the station opened in 1868 and may have supervised the station, the census of 1871 describing him as Station Master. Previously employed at Bridgnorth.|-|Stephen Floyd||1852 Tackley, Oxfordshire|| data-sort-value="4/8/1879" | August 1879||data-sort-value="1/8/1883" | January 1883||Station Master|-|William Sherwood||15 November 1846 Bidford, Warwickshire|| data-sort-value="1/1/1883" | January 1883||data-sort-value="1/1/1887" | January 1887||Booking Porter. Previously employed at [[Hartlebury]] on the branch, amongst other stations. Later Station Master at [[Hampton Loade]] and [[Berrington]].|-|Henry Powell||1836 Ombersley, Worcestershire|| data-sort-value="1/1/1887" | January 1887|| data-sort-value="1/6/1887" | June 1887|| Booking Porter. Served his entire railway career on the Severn Valley Branch, and censuses 1871 and 1881 record him as station master at Highley.|-|William George Cleeton||1859 Broseley, Shropshire|| data-sort-value="5/5/1890" | May 1890||data-sort-value="24/8/1891" |August 1891||Booking Porter, then Station Inspector, Census of 1891 records Station Master. Employed at [[Coalport]], [[Buildwas]] and Bridgnorth before Eardington, and later Station Master at Hampton Loade and Berrington.|-|George Walter Cooke||1865 Eardington, Shropshire|| data-sort-value="24/8/1891" | August 1891||data-sort-value="1/4/1930" | April 1930|| Station Master|-|Edward Morris Casey||1874 Abergavenny|| data-sort-value="1/4/1930" | April 1930||data-sort-value="1/3/1931" | March 1931|| Station Master|-|}
At opening in 1970, the timetable allowed a 5 minute stop southbound at ==Historic maps of Eardington for locomotive watering; passengers frequently took the opportunity to photograph the locomotive or buy pop and sweets which were sold at the station. Once watering facilities were installed at Bridgnorth, this was reduced to one minute, effectively ending this practice.Station==
* Original GWR plan of the station.
* 1884 OS map showing the position of the station in relation to the river and iron works. Unfortunately, the station lies across the join between two maps and the track detail is not very clear.
* 1903 OS map on which the loop and headshunt can be seen more clearly. By this date, the iron works was disused.
* 1905 GWR schematic plan of Eardington giving siding capacity and other details.
<gallery mode=packed heights=150px style="text-align:left">
File:GWRplanEardington.jpg | GWR plan
File:Eardington1884map.jpg | 1884
File:Eardington1903map.jpg | 1903
File:Eardington plan 1905.png | 1905
== Gallery ==
<gallerymode=packed heights=200px style="text-align:left">
File:1997-7219_RJS_SV_55.jpg|Ex-GWR Pannier 3788 calls at Eardington in November 1960 ([[Sellick Collection]])
File:Eardington-DMU-1962-09-16.jpg|A BR DMU at Eardington in September 1962 ([[Sellick Collection]])
File:Eardington-2015-03-21.JPG|A similar view of Eardington, taken in March 2015
File:Eardington_Board_20170317.jpg|The station running in board
File:Eardington_Platform_20170317.jpg|An old bicycle on the platform next to milepost 147&frac34;
File:Candleshoe screenshot Eardington.jpg| 1977 [[Candleshoe]] image filmed from the [[Overbridge at north end of Eardington siding |Eardington Road Bridge]] featuring [[4566]] and three of the SVR's GWR carriages
3612 remains.jpg| Ex-GWR 0-6-0PT 3612's boiler on Eardington platform, minus chimney, frames, cab roof and tanks in the yard
== See also ==
*[[List of stations]]
*[[Shropshire Historic Environment Record]]
*[[Models of the Severn Valley Railway]]
* [[List of stations]]==Notes==<references group="note"/>
== References ==
*[ Rail Chronology, Eardington station] (Retrieved 20 September 2023). Richard Maund and Allan Brackenbury's research, an earlier version of which appeared in Railway & Canal Historical Society Railway Chronology Group Co-ordinating Newsletter no. 49, January 2007.
*Early Booking Porters and Station Masters at Eardington information from Chris Haynes' research of GWR records and public records.
<references />
*[ Sharpo's World photos at Eardington, showing station building & yard area]
*[ "To Eardington" by Sammy B Videography on YouTube]
*[ Eardington Station SVR on Facebook]
*[ Eardington Station on X (Twitter)]
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