
Tales from the Severn Valley

551 bytes added, 15:54, 6 February 2018
Yellow Peril catches fire
The church of St Mary at Long Sutton was also to be the last resting place for the elder Leviathan, buried on 21st October 1916, aged 64, and Ambrose, too, was buried there on 19th February 1919, aged 81. It was probably considered a family church, since, in October 1893 Ambrose’s brother, Oliver, aged 47, had also been buried there".
==Yellow Peril catches fire==
Diminutive diesel shunter [[Ruston and Hornsby Diesel Shunter 402812 Yellow Peril|"Yellow Peril"]] lived up to its name when it caught fire one day at Bewdley. Mick Osbourne, signalman in the South Box, ran down the box steps and put the fire out using the box’s fire extinguisher. Mick Thorp arrived on the scene and, using his ingenuity in rewiring the loco, got it working again. In just over ten minutes, it was back shunting!<ref name=SVR133> SVR News 133 p. 62. “The Early SVR Shunters” (Chris Magner)</ref>
==See also==
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