Current events on the Severn Valley Railway

Revision as of 17:52, 1 January 2016 by Robin (talk | contribs) (remove past events)

This page provides a brief summary of current and forthcoming events on the SVR, and links to where further information can be found. Historical information will be moved to the latest history timeline page as necessary.

Links to sources of information

(Links will open in a new window)

The SVR Main Web Site is primarily aimed at the travelling public. It includes all the latest news relevant to that sector, including details of forthcoming events, timetables, locomotive rosters, ticket sales and so on.

SVR Live is also an official SVR web site, for members, shareholders and enthusiasts. A secure section of this site is used by Working Members for internal communication. Information which is publically accessible for enthusiasts includes Traffic Notices, Working Timetables, lineside photography policy and application forms, and so on. SVR Live also contains regular monthly news announcements, although these are of a more specialist nature concerning matters like locomotive overhauls and infrastructure upgrades. The Working Members’ monthly newsletter ‘Express Points’ is also publically accessible.

SVR-Online Forum is an unofficial discussion forum, run on a voluntary basis in conjunction with the Severn Valley Railway Association (SVRA). Day to day ‘chat’ takes place on SVR-related topics such as Special Events, Motive Power, Rolling Stock and so on. Access is freely available, although it is necessary to register before being able to post.

Current and forthcoming events

Celebrating 50 years since the formation of the SVR

(All locomotives subject to availability.)

  • Spring Steam Gala: The Spring Steam Gala will be on 18-20 March 2016. The first guest has been announced as GWR Pannier Tank 6430 from the Llangollen Railway, courtesy of Hugh Shipton
  • Diesel Gala: The Diesel Gala will be on 19-21 May 2016. Guests announced so far are:
Class 45 45060 Sherwood Forester, courtesy of the Pioneer Diesel Locomotive Group
Class 33 33035, courtesy of the Pioneer Diesel Locomotive Group
Class 55 'Deltic' D9002 King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, courtesy of the National Railway Museum
  • Autumn Steam Gala: Iconic loco Flying Scotsman will be one of the star attractions at the 2016 Autumn Steam Gala from September 22nd-25th.

See also