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Tales from the Severn Valley

725 bytes added, 18:46, 15 April 2019
Rag Express added 14.4.19
'Glorious' ran in mostly green undercoat, with the public invited to 'tag' the locomotive with graffiti in marker pen in exchange for a £5 contribution towards its repaint, raising £3,460 towards the £10,000 cost.<ref>[ Express Points November 2018]</ref> An antecendent to the class, [[Diesel Locomotives hired by the SVR|hired-in 40106]], was spare loco and operated on the Saturday.
It recorded excellent passenger numbers of 3,574.<ref>SVR NBI</ref>
==The Rag Express - official!==
The railway uses a lot of rags across all operations, such as for lighting up locos, as grips in signal boxes and a multitude of other things. The SVR has a volunteer at the [[Diesel Depot]] who works in a laundry and sources large amounts of rags. These are then distributed across the railway to various departments. The junior volunteers (some ex-[[SVR Apprentices]]) for a number of years have sorted and distributed the rags. It gives them the chance to ride in the brakevan then offload at points along the line. The term Rag Express was an informal name but in 2019 they made a traditional headboard, using skills from their time in school. Another named train joined the SVR lexicon!
==See also==
Trustworthy, administrator

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