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;SVR:Severn Valley Railway
;NRM:National Railway Museum
;Barry:Woodham Brothers Scrapyard, Barry, South Wales. The source of many locomotives now in preservation.
;PW:Permanent Way
;S&T:Signals & Telegraph
;DMU:Diesel Multiple Unit
;ETT:Electric Train Token
;Bulleid:Oliver Vaughan Snell Bulleid, Chief Mechanical Engineer (CME) of the Southern Railway between 1937 and -1948;Hawksworth:Frederick Hawksworth, Chief Mechanical Engineer (CME) of the Great Western Railway between 1941 and -1948;Collett:Charles Benjamin Collett, Chief Mechanical Engineer (CME) of the Great Western Railway between 1922 and -1941;Churchward:George Jackson Churchward, Chief Mechanical Engineer (CME) of the Great Western Railway between 1902 and -1922;Stanier:William Stanier, Chief Mechanical Engineer of the London, Midland and Scottish Railway berween 1932 -1944;Ivatt:Henry George Ivatt, Chief Mechanical Engineer of the London, Midland and Scottish Railway 1944-1948. CME of BR (London Midland Region) 1948-1951;Gresly:Sir Nigel Gresley, Chief Mechanical Engineer of the London & North Eastern Railway 1923-1941